Euphemism in the Holy Qur'an

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Instructor Ya'arob Mahmood Hamiedi


One of the salient phenomena by which Arabic is characterized is "euphemisation". It is of paramount importance in that it characterizes lofty, well – refined language communities. The reason for this, however, is that 'euphemisation' is regarded as an optimal means that facilitates communication. Besides, it renders exchange of thoughts smooth and suave. In fact, this trend to smooth over offensive words and expressions is inevitable both for the individual in particular and the whole community in general.

This research touches upon this phenomenon in the holy Qur'an wherein we view certain euphemisms interspersed in verses, especially with particular reference to sensitive areas.

Through these verses, we come to know the fact that God Almighty willed it that expressions such as [rafaθ] , [ɁIfdaaɁ], [mubaasarah], [taqarrub],  [mulaamasah], etc .take the place of the [nikaah]- related expressions which are down-to-earth, explicit and risqué . Sexual harassment, for instance, is superseded by the euphemism [raawada ] so as to de-fuse the vulgarity inherent therein

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