نظرية العلاقات المعنوية وتأثيرها في ترجمة بيتين من الشعر العربي إلى اللغة الانجليزية

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

أ.م علي عبدالله محمود   




Abstract: The objective of this paper is to investigate Nicholson's version of literary translation for the following two lines of verse of Omar Bin Abi Rabeah:

                                  خليليّ من ملام دعاني                  وألمّا الغداة بالأظعان

                                  لاتلوما في آل زينب إنّ                القلب رهن بآل زينب عان

Blame me no more, O comrades! But today.  Quietly with me beside the howdahs stay.

Blame not my love for Zaynab, for to her and hers my heart is pledged a prisoner  [1].


       This research examines the hypothetical approach in reconstructing the text of target  language (TL) followed by Nicholson [1]. Problems of translation with regard to the misuse of lexicon whether  the  equivalent  or  the added  items will be solved with reference to the principles of Theta-Criterion which says: "Each argument bears one and only one theta-role, and each theta-role is assigned to one and only one argument" [2] and  also with reference to the Structure Preserving Hypothesis (SPH) of Chomsky [3]. Arguments involve noun phrases (NPs), prepositional phrases (PPs), inflectional phrases (IPs) and complementizer phrase (CPs). These arguments would be of great significance if they are included in the process of translation from source language (SL

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