Juncture in Arabic: An Optimal Theoretic Approach

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Prof. Ali Abdullah Mahmood
Hadeel Majeed Hammood


  This research examines juncture, as a complicated phonological process that is difficult to mark its boundary features, in Arabic and especially the Glorious Quran (GQ). It aims to investigate the analysis of  juncture in the Glorious Quran in the light of modern phonological theory (Optimality Theory), as it has never been analysed according to Optimality theory which is a newest theory. So, it is important to see how this analysis done, putting the influence of  Arabic rules on the use of juncture in each Aya and how that effect on the pronunciation of each word in the Ayas. Also, This study examines how juncture works in the light of Optimality Theory and how the different constraints specifies the optimal output in each  tableau. Although it is a phonological analysis but different types of constraints, semantic, syntactic and pragmatic ones, are used as they have a role in choosing the best candidate since their existence cause a phonological change and specify where juncture should be found. So, this search identifies the juncture and its types beside a brief description of the model and the analysis. The findings of the analysis have proved that the adopted model (Optimality Theory) is applicable in Arabic context and especially in The Glorious Quran and juncture could be tested according to this model.



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