A Critical Discourse Analysis of Selected British Political Tweets

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Areej Ali Hatem


Recently, the world has witnessed the war between Russia and Ukraine, which has represented a direct  challenge to international rule of law and  stability of the international system. Thus, it has led to different types of political tweets among which those of American president Mr. Johnson. He has started a new type of media war on twitter, accusing Russia and hold them the responsibility for what is happening recently in Ukraine. This raise in the use of political tweets give increase to some controversies over their ideologies and the linguistic strategies employed to convey these ideologies. This creates an obvious need to critically investigate these tweets to find out these ideologies and strategies. The current study is based on the hypotheses that British political tweets depend heavily on linguistic devices to convey their intended messages, claiming that tweets can convey the intentions of the president in such crisis. The selected tweets have been analyzed in  the light of the adopted model based on Fairclough (1989). 



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