Studying of the Barriers Faced by EFL Iraqi Students in teaching Speaking skills At Intermediate School

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Inst. Taghreed Abd –Al-Razak IsmayL


In my country, English Language is taught as foreign language and the speakers , mainly school students are not noticeable with its significance . Students use English periodic barely within the classes and fewer recurrent outer the class. While, student does not have enough time to speak English in class, and he does not have enough sustain to carry out English exterior the class to be distinguishable with English. It is a shortage conveys a trouble for the learners to communicate in English. The study investigates the reasons and challenges that the learners find hardly to speak in English and recommend alot clarification so as to be able to prevail over these obstacles. The major objective of teaching speaking is to be a good talkative speaker. Teaching speaking is the way for helping students increase their capacity to talk effectively in the target language. In order to achieve this goal, they have communicative competence. ( Nunan, 1999, p. 226) "defined the uniqueness of talkative capability as a means to assist learners improve their talking skill, the instructor should aid learners progress their sentence structure, develop their expressions, and control associations to expand their verbal skill”.

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