Investigating Conditional Promise in the Tweets of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Duaa Noah Kareem
Duaa Noah Kareem
Asst. Prof. Shawqi K. Ismail (M.A.)
Asst. Prof. Ghazwan A. Mohammed (Ph.D.)


This study aims at investigating the conditional promising analysis in English social media. The conditional promising utterances must contain If Clause, since there is a condition that must be fulfilled. The researcher collected the data which is concerned with corona virus out of Tweeter in a specific period and investigating the conditional promise in that period. The study will investigate the promise in the political figures' tweets. First, it will shed light on  the concept of promising and then will investigate the model that contains the conditional promise and its functions and the data that will be analyzed. The study will be limited to one political figure, the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in one platform of social media(Tweeter).

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