النشاط السياسي لكارلوس منعم حتى انضمامه للحزب البيروني عام1963

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The research entitled (The Political Activity of Carlos Menem until he Joined the Peronist Party in 19633) aims to explain the nature of Menem’s activity in the political party and why he embraced Peronist socialist ideas, who was he influenced by, how he joined officially, what are his activities in this field, and his position on the phenomenon of military transfers that they occurred frequently during the second half of the twentieth century.

The most important conclusions of this study are Carlos Menem’s admiration for the personality of Juan Peron, which was reflected in his embrace of Peronism as a political support for him, and he believed in its ideas, principles, and political positions.  Menem also recorded his vocal opposition to the phenomenon of military coups that were repeated in the country, and as a result he was arrested more than once. Finally, Carlos Menem's affiliation with the Peronist Party prompted more movement and activity for this party, as he opened the horizons for Menem's political future through his candidacy for political and administrative positions, which he assumed in the 1970s.

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