A Morphological-Analysis of Covid-19 Terminology in Selected Mass Media

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Asst. Prof. Ya'arub Mahmoud Hamiedi
Hussein Ali Hussein


The current Covid-19 crisis has caused a lot of effects in our everyday life including language which is one of the first that reflects the events taking place throughout the world.

Due to the fact that the majority of Covid-19 linguistic effects are achieved through language used in media discourse. The current study is devoted to recognize the morphological levels of stylistic analysis of Covid-19 terminology in the English mass media content. The study is based on the hypotheses that Covid-19 pandemic is a fertile environment for linguistic innovation. In order to achieve this task, this study has employed the descriptive method of research and has used the stylistic analysis as a research instrument. Findings of this study reveals that there are several new English words created during Covid-19 crisis through different word-formation processes

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