ما أُثِرَ عن أبي عبيدة(209ه) في إبدال القاف بحروفٍ أخرى من كتابه المفقود( الإبدال)

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إنعام جدوع غانم
أ. د. مكّي نومان مظلوم


The research included the substitution between the qaf and other letters in a number of texts collected from (Kitab al-Ibdal) by Abu Ubaidah (d. 209 AH), which were subject to collection, investigation and documentation.  What distinguishes this book is that it is the first on the subject of substitution before the book of al-Asma'i, which was compiled recently, and the book of Ibn al-Skeet and Abu al-Tayyib the linguist. The research began with a brief introduction, then the study section: It included the definition of the personality of Abu Ubaidah (his name, surname, surname, lineage, and scientific status when the ancients and contemporaries), then comes the section of the texts of the book total, which included the texts of substitution between the qaf and other letters, and concluded with the most prominent results, with the mention of footnotes, and a list of sources and references.






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بحـــــــوث العــــــدد