Synthesis and Structural , spectroscopic Study of Novel Tetradentate Macrocyclic Ligand Type N2S2 Donor Atoms [Bis-N-ethyl-2,2 (l-,2-_ethylene disulphide)malonamide] and It's Complexes with VO(II),Cr(III),Co(II) ,Ni(II), Cu(II),Zn(II),Cd(II) and Hg(II)

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Sajid Mahmood Lateef


Diethylmalonate was reacted in the first step with 2- mercaptoethyl ammonium chloride to produce the precursor (PR) : Bis-N(2-mercapto ethyl) malonamide , then (PR) reacted with l,2-dibromoethane to give 13-membered novel tetradentate  macrocyclic  ligand type N2S2 donor atoms (H2L) : Bis-N-ethyl2,2 ( l-,2-_ethylene disulphide ) malonamide .

This ligand was reacted with some metal ions in ethanol to give series of new metal complexes of molecular formula : (VO(L).H2O(Et3NH)(Cr(L)Cl2)(Co(L)).2H2O,(Ni(L)).2H2O,(

Cu(L)).H2O,(Zn(L)).H2O(Cd(L)) and (Hg(L)).H20 .

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بحـــــــوث العــــــدد