Grammar and Meaning Interface in Political Discourse: A Functional-Systemic Grammar Study
محتوى المقالة الرئيسي
Language is regarded as the principal means of transmitting, enacting, and reproducing meaning that is considered as a mental framework carried either explicitly or implicitly. The problem of this study lies, in specific cases, in the difficulty in determining the type of the material action process because the two different entities share the same process i.e. some grammatical and semantic interventions are involved. For instance in the seal fell down, one cannot recognize the Actor seal as animate or inanimate which eventually affects the type of material action process. This paper displays how processes are functioned to produce meaning in the light of functional grammar. The linguistic model adopted is An Introduction to Functional Grammar proposed by Michael Halliday (1985). The paper aims at: (1) Clarifying the significance of transitivity in identifying processes. (2) Discovering the categories of processes in political discourse. (3) Presenting a theoretical background of the term processes for their domineering use in interpreting the hidden meaning. This study has concluded that (1) Transitivity is a tool for understanding our experiences in terms of participants, process configurations, and external circumstances. (2) Verbalization processes are very similar to material action processes, only differing in the fact that they describe a verbal action
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