صورة المرأة الحديثة مقابل المرأة الامازونية في العمل السينمائي والتلفزيوني The Modern Woman's portrayal Vs. Amazonian Woman in Cinematic and Televisual work

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Instr. Wallada A Razzaq Eyada Alluhaiby


In contrast with masculine matters women have traditionally been seen as objects. The foundation of modern feminist philosophy was the categorization of women as "other". As a contemporary movement, feminism seeks to challenge these established categories and giving those who are perceived as "objects" the opportunity to be classified as "subjects." According to Lacan.J, mankind is an example of a patriarchal society in which women's role as the subordinate other is unchangeable. There are no explanations for femininity outside of the conceptual hierarchy of masculine domination                                                      

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