Detection of Water Turbidity and Measurement I of Particle size by He-Ne Laser كشف عكارة المياه وقياسها أنا بحجم الجسيمات بواسطة He-Ne Laser

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Asst.Instructor.Nadia Mohammed Jasim* Asst.Instructor.Ala Rihoom Hade**Asst.Instructor.Jasim Mohammed Mansour***


The laser technique provides a measure and detect method for the turbidity in a wide water layer levels, and it is considered as one of the latest method for detecting tiny concentrations 1.0 Parts per billion that are difficult to be measured by conventional methods, the technique gives quick and direct result with a high accuracy. The laser beam scattering technique was employed for determining turbidity concentration. In the first part of the project we use three main units the proparation unit , the laser system and the electronic detection system for turbidity measurement while the second part of the project is to calculate the size parameter by measuring the diameter of silica particle using He-Ne laser, the measuring system consists of 5mw He- Ne laser at wavelength, 638,8 nm, and lenses to collect the laser Beam in addition to a screen.

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