The syllable in English

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

M.Izzat Suhail Najim


The syllable in English


The paper is about the syllable in Eng lish . It tries to investigate the nature and structure of the syllable .the paper comprises four sections . Section one presents  a definition of the syllable . examines the nature of the syllable , states a notion of the time of the syllable and shows syllabification . Section two is devoted to the explanation of the structure of the syllable in English . Each syllable structure is fully explained with examples . These structures include the simple syllable , onset  +vowel , vowel +coda, onset + vowel +coda and syllabic consonants . Section three provides a discussion of strong and weak syllables in  English together with the way the can be characterized . Section four is devoted to  a conclusion of the paper .

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