The Function of Theatrical Properties in J. M. Synge's Riders to the Sea

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Instr. Kamal Almas Walee


        This paper is to unfold the function of the theatrical properties (henceforth props) employed by J. M. Synge in his one-act play Riders to the sea. The action of the play starts and ends in the kitchen of a small cottage in the Aran island in Ireland; yet, the outside world is projected to the audience through props which act as characters and are regarded as symbols, images and connotations that give many and various emblems, ideas, events, meanings and images. They contribute to pushing forward the action towards many significant events. They allow the dramatist to economize the events, characters, and action to the minimum position possible. For instance, the white wooden pieces hanging on the wall, the rope, Michael's clothing, the colours and more many props besides have particular effects on the themes and atmosphere of the play. Furthermore, the use of props in the theatre can be considered one of the greatest innovations which the modern world theatre has ever witnessed.

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