التحليل المكاني لاستعمالات الارض التجارية في مدينه مندلي

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أيسر غالب كريم
أ.د. رجاء خليل احمد


The research aims to study and analyze the commercial use in the city of Mandali, which is one of the most important uses of the city’s land and its economic activity. The area of the city of Mandali reached 613.5 hectares, of which commercial use occupies 9.7 hectares, or 1.58% of the total area of the city. The total number of commercial establishments reached 364 establishments that acquired Individual trade establishments accounted for the largest share, with 336 establishments, at a rate of 92.3%، and the number of wholesale trade establishments reached 28 establishments, at a rate of 7.6%. After a field study and data collection for these establishments, the research reached a number of results, the most notable of which is the spread of commercial use in a random and unorganized manner that lacks many controls. Standards: These institutions were mainly concentrated in the central commercial district and secondary commercial areas in residential neighborhoods and the streets branching off from the central commercial district. Establishments selling food and ready-made clothing were ahead in number and percentage over the rest of the types of retail establishments for goods and other merchandise in the city.


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بحـــــــوث العــــــدد