الخلاف النحوي في إعراب الأسماء الستة بالحروف في ضوء علم اللغة الحديث The Grammatical Dispute on the Inflection of the Six Nouns by Letters in Light ofModern Linguistics

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Before discussing the stance of modern linguistics on the issue of inflecting the six nouns by letters, the study must first briefly address the nature and originality of inflection and the inflection markers used by ancient scholars. Inflection typically involves four cases: nominative (with the marker ḍamma), accusative (with the marker fatḥa), genitive (with the marker kasra), and jussive (with the marker sukūn), in addition to the secondary markers that indicate movement. This study aims to explore these markers and outline the views of ancient scholars on the inflection of the six nouns by letters. It compares these views with those of modern linguists, focusing on what they have added and introduced. The study scrutinizes the opinions of ancient and modern linguists on the inflection of the six nouns by letters, highlighting the most significant grammatical statements on this issue.

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