القصيدة العمودية عند شعراء ديالى – دراسة في الرؤية الذاتية The vertical poem among the poets of Diyala . A study in self-vision.

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أ. م. د إسراء أبراهيم محمد
بنين عبدالله فليح


The importance of this research was embodied in the statement of the self-vision of a group of Diyala poets from the year 1976 to the year 2020 AD. Poetry is considered one of the fields in which subjectivity is most evident. Through it, poets express human tendencies to reveal a relationship between the text and the writer’s self. We have noticed that the vision Subjectivity among the poets of Diyala has appeared in two types. The first type is self-alienation, through which they expressed the sadness and brokenness that dominated their souls due to defeat in reality. Alienation was embodied in two types: subjective alienation and spatial alienation. As for the second type, it is the self full of pride, and loftiness. In this type, the poet’s ego rose. Through it, the poets embody their vision of themselves by mentioning their good qualities, noble morals, and so on. The research came with an introduction to the importance of vision in modern Arabic poetry. In the first section, I mentioned the concept of poetic vision in ancient and modern times, the difference between vision and vision, and self_ vision in poetry, then the second section is self-alienation, and the third section is the ego. In poetry and a conclusion in which the results of the research were shown

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