صورة صلاح الدين الايوبي في كتاب الحروب الصليبية لوليم الصوري (ت580هـ/1186م)

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     The importance of William al-Suri lies in the fact that he was not among the Historians who were ignorant of the history of the Islamic countries in the Middle Ages. He was not among the Historians who visited the Islamic countries and did not know the historical geography of those countries. He was born and lived in Jerusalem, and this matter made him one of the most important Historians of the Middle Ages, as tools of historical writing were available to him while it was not available to others. He had many documents at his disposal, which made him distinctive in historical writing due to his assumption of many positions, including supervisor of the Diwan of Letters in the court of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, as well as his familiarity with many Islamic sources, and an eyewitness to the era, all of these things contributed to the formation of his image of Saladin, as he provided us with information about him and his campaigns and his recovery of some Islamic cities from the Crusaders, this is what motivated us to choose this topic and study it.

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