أيام بني يحاير قبل الإسلام دراسة تاريخية

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م.د. مصطفى قدوري احمد العبيدي
أ.د. عبدالباسط عبدالرزاق حسين


Before Islam, Arabic was accustomed to invasion and war between members of one tribe, or between members of multiple tribes, and these wars had their causes, including: revenge, protecting the fever, war over pasture, war over places of water, or when they were protecting someone who was being pursued by others, and these could be long. Wars may end quickly, even though these people are from the same nation, which is Arab. But that bad deed that Islam rejected spread among them, and then the customs, traditions, and customs of rational people and people of good opinion. The research was studied in the form of points and paragraphs, which included these days (wars) over the letters of the dictionary; That is, on the letters of the alphabet, which are: (The Day of Triangle, the Day of Razm, the Day of Salatah, the Day of Suran, the Day of Arqub, the Day of Attachment, the Day of Ghamra, the Day of Fayq, the Day of Qadid, the Day of Kadid, the Day of Kud, the Day of Dune, the Day of Murjibah, and the Day of Maghawarah, A Virgin Meadow Day), with a short introduction and conclusion that included the most prominent findings of the study, and a list of sources and references.

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