التشكيل الموسيقي في شعر الخرنق بنت بدر

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This research focuses on the musical composition in the poetry of Al-Kharnaq Bint Badr, to reveal the poetic seas that the poet employed in her poetry collection. The importance of meter lies in the connotations and revelations that emanate from it, and the poet is the muse whose emotions search for a rhythmic embodiment that suits them.

Her movements and reasons varied in a striking variety, with the diversity of poetic flows that are subject to a psychological rhythm that is consistent with her poetic experience, and this rhythm is a harmonious, repetitive metrical unit of meter, whether these meter are consistent in meter or different. Thus, meter became a tool through which the poet was able to express her feelings through her experience. Tense, thus enabling the meter to gain its aesthetic value in its ability to create the general rhythm of the poem.

In addition to the exquisite arts that the poet employed, she contained within her a musical energy that combined with the music of the external text to embody the psychological state of the poet and convey it to the recipient

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