تجليات المفارقة في شعر ابن رحمة الحويزي (ت 1075هـ)

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م.د حامد عيسى كريف


This research aims to conduct a procedural study of one of the modern critical terms, which is “paradox”, as a style of expressions that writers resort to and a type of directed discourse that carries within it connotations with different or implied purposes. The study turned to one of the poets of the thirteenth century, which is the historical era in which the flame of poetic creativity faded and poets grew towards formal and decorative aspects and wordplay, which made it fertile ground for studying such topics. This study dealt with the theoretical foundations of the concept of paradox, and showed the compatibility and commonality between it and some other terms and concepts such as differentiation, equivocation, etc. It also showed the types of paradox and the connotations that each type carries and applied that to examples of poetic verses found in the poetry of Ibn Rahma Al-Huwaizi.

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