موقف عبد الكريم قاسم من الحزب الديمقراطي الكردستاني من خلال صفحات جريدة النور (١٩٥٨-١٩٦٣) Abdul Karim Qasim’s position on the Kurdistan Democratic Party through the pages of Al-Nour newspaper (1958-1963(

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أ.د. عبدالرحمن إدريس صالح


Summary During the royal era, the Kurds tried to search for effective solutions to obtain self-rule for their regions, and the lack of seriousness in granting them an independent local administration forced them to cling to the winds of the revolution of July 14, 1958. Al-Nour newspaper was a mirror that reflected the position of the Kurdish street welcoming the new republican regime, basing it on the policy of Abdul Karim Qasim. Friendliness towards the Kurds and what was included in Article Three of the Interim Constitution issued on July 27, 1958, “Recognition that the Arabs and Kurds are partners in the homeland” and the establishment of a Directorate for Kurdish Studies in the Ministry of Agriculture. As a result, Mullah Mustafa Barzani announced that he was the “soldier” of Abdul Karim Qasim Al-Muti’. Now those relations It did not continue at the same pace, as it soon became aware of mutual suspicions on the part of both parties, and they began to throw accusations at each other, especially after the rapprochement between Mullah Mustafa and the Soviet Union. The year 1960 was considered the beginning of the end of their friendly relationship that As a result of the events of September 1961, the research was divided into three sections, preceded by the introduction and followed by the conclusion: The first section dealt with Abdul Karim Qasim’s friendly stance towards the Kurds, and the second section included the events of September 1961. The third section explained the international position on Abdul Karim Qasim’s relationship with the Kurds through the vision of the book of Al-Nour newspaper.

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