النظام النقدي من خلال كتاب نزهة النفوس والابدان في تواريخ الزمان للصيرفي(ت:900هـ / 1495م)

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زيد ماجد حسن فليح
أ.د . سماهر محي موسى


The monetary system is one of the aspects of the sovereignty and independence of countries and from many political, economic, and social aspects. Therefore, it is the focus of attention for countries throughout the ages, and there is no doubt that this interest was the focus of attention of the Mamluk Sultanate of Burja, and we notice this through the procedures they took in dealing with it. With the monetary system, which is represented by the minting of money after they designated for it a house known as the mint house, and they were also keen to supervise it directly to protect it from fraud after sealing it with the Sultan’s seal. In this context, the sultans were also keen to appoint an official to look into the mint house. By them directly, as they were designated to be among those with supervision in the state, whether judges or princes, in order to monitor and control it and supervise the weights and money, their calibre, and their minting. The most important thing that happened to the monetary system in the era of the Burji Mamluks was that it was affected by three considerations, so to speak, which Al-Sayrafi referred to indirectly through what he said, and the first of these considerations can be considered political, and is represented by every sultan assuming the sultanate minting a coin bearing his name, and perhaps Its purpose was to impose its power and dominance over the state as well as its enemies. Therefore, many titles were given to the tower coins due to the large number of titles created by the towering Mamluks, and also its purpose was to get rid of the name of the Sultan who preceded him in rule and minted his name on the coins even though they were circulated with... The new sultan’s money, and thus priority in commercial operations inside and outside the country will be with the new sultan’s money, which is also what every sultan aspires to. As for the other consideration, we can consider it economic, in order to address any monetary crisis that occurs in the country, which is what characterized the monetary system in the era of the Burj Mamluks, and the reason for this is the political turmoil that befell their state since its establishment, and its impact on all state systems. The research was divided into an introduction to Al-Sayrafi’s personal life, in which we explained the reasons for the lack of information about him, his academic upbringing, and the jobs he held in the Persian state, which had a major role in his writings due to the economic information he provided us with. As for the first section, it dealt with the monetary system in The era of the Mamluk Sultanate of Burja and the reasons that prompted the sultans to pay attention to the monetary system through the procedures they took that demonstrated their interests. The second section mentioned the types of currency that were minted during the era of the sultans, including dinars, dirhams, money, and what was dealt with inside and outside the Sultanate locally. And externally,Then a conclusion included the most important findings of the research regarding the impact of the increased diversification of money and the reasons that led to its diversification, and the effects that resulted from this diversity on the economic system, and finally a list of footnotes and the names of sources and references.

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