البعد النفسي والشخصي في احداث العصر العباسي 132-232ه(دور المتنفذين وأصحاب السلطة) The Psychological and Personal Dimension in the Events of the Abbasid Era (132-232 AH): The Role of the Powerful and Authorities
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This research focuses on studying the psychological and personal factors in the events of the early Abbasid era by shedding light on the driving forces of these factors among the powerful and authoritative figures involved in shaping historical events. It appears that, among the numerous factors contributing to event-making, there are other unexplored elements, especially since historical texts often fall short in presenting a comprehensive picture. This is what we refer to as psychological and personal factors, which may rely on mood and psychological states such as love and hatred in interpreting and creating an event in itself.
In this study, we have relied on the roles of four historical figures whose contributions have been documented in the events of the early Abbasid era. Through these figures, we have examined psychological and personal factors clearly and reached insights that events are not dictated or guided by a single factor. Instead, multiple intertwined elements come together to shape them. Here, the role of psychological and personal factors might dominate over other factors.
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