الاستدلال النحوي بالإجماع عند ابراهيم بن موسى الابناسي في كتابه الدرة المضية في شرح الالفية "

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علياء حسن اسماعيل
أ.د حسين ابراهيم مبارك


This research deals with the consensus according to Al-Ibnasi in his book Al-Durra Al-Madhi fi Sharh Al-Alfiyyah, as one of the principles of grammatical reasoning, upon whichh grammarians rely and approve judgments In all their grammatical Issues. The research shows the concept of consensus linguistically and terminologically, and Al-Ibnasi’s position on It and his methods of reasoning by it, referring to It with different words that all Indicate it. On the meaning of consensus, Including: consensus – unanimously – according to everyone – with agreement – they agreed – agreement – many grammarians – the majority of Basra scholars – the majority – and there is no disagreement. All of these words indicate the meaning of consensus, in addition to his transferring consensus from the grammarians who preceded him, and he was not satisfied with just transfer. But he rejected some of what they agreed upon.

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