الحياة الزوجية عند العرب قبل الاسلام من خلال كتاب شمس العلوم لنشوان الحميري(ت573هـ/1177م)

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هناء قاسم ركلي
أ.د شاكر محمود اسماعيل


Marriage is considered the most important social bond in society, serving as the foundation for the continuity of family life between men and women. The Arabs before Islam were keen on preserving this social bond, leading to its diversification and the emergence of various forms, each with its own special ceremonies held during the union of a man and a woman. In our study, we have chosen to explore marriage among the Arabs before Islam through the book 'Shams al-'Ulum' and 'Dawa' Kalam al-Arab min al-Kilum' by Nashwan al-Humayri (573 AH/ 1177 AD). Nashwan al-Humayri addressed marital life, marriage types, ceremonies, divorce, and the terminology associated with them. He also discussed the situation of a woman after the death of her husband. However, he did not mention anything about divorce, which we will address in this research.          





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