الإتجاه الإصلاحي والسياسي في نونية أبي إسحاق الإلبيري 375- 460 هـ

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أ.م.د. اسراء عبد الرضا عبد الصاحب الغرباوي


The reformist trend in the poetry of Abu Ishaq Al-Alberi 375- 460 AH During the reign of Granada Bani Ziri, a historical and literary study There is a close relationship between poetry and history, as they are two important forms of human knowledge, and two essential elements in the formation of culture and heritage for every nation, and the deep connection between them can be seen through the spiritual connection that links them. Orientalist contact Franz Runthal in his book The Science of History among Muslims by saying, Poetry is a closed history. Based on the foregoing, poetry has become a source of documenting historical events, preserving them and not forgetting them, because it arouses in the listener the pleasure of following up and coexisting with those events. Homer did not write his historical epic The Iliad and The Odyssey except in poetry, and ancient Iraq through his immortal epic Gilgamesh in poetry, and most of the epics that are made The history of peoples in poetic detail . Through our research, we will shed light on a political epic led by the poet of political reform in Andalusia, Abu Ishaq al-Alberi, which was the spark that sparked the revolution against Yusuf bin Ismail al-Naghil and his followers because of his conspiracy against the prince and the people of Granada during the era of Ibn Badis, and it was behind the success of the people of Granada to change the regime Bani Ziri, who tasted the Andalusians, and it was true that Alberi's poetry was described as a tool for reform, as this prompted him to follow through it the path of preachers and reformers. Through our research, we will shed light on a political epic led by the poet of political reform in Andalusia, Abu Ishaq al-Alberi, which was the spark that sparked the revolution against Yusuf bin Ismail al-Naghil and his followers because of his conspiracy against the prince and the people of Granada during the era of Ibn Badis, and it was behind the success of the people of Granada to change the regime Bani Ziri, who tasted the Andalusians, and it was true that Alberi's poetry was described as a tool for reform, as this prompted him to follow through it the path of preachers and reformers. The research included: an introduction and a preface to introducing the biography of Abu Ishaq al-Alberi, and two topics: The first of them: a historical study of the origin and transformation of Granada Bani Ziri.


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