The Impact of Heterogeneity and Homogeneity on Oral Performance through Cooperative Interaction Activity: A Case of Iraqi EFL Intermediate Learners

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Asst. Inst. Waqid Maki Numan


The structure of groups, or the dynamics of "who collaborates with whom," is regarded as a vital factor in the realm of cooperative learning and teaching (Zamani, 2005, p. 1). A study conducted with 100 Iraqi EFL learners, classified into high and low proficiency levels based on a standardized English language proficiency test (IELTS, 2009) and a speaking task, involved the formation of two distinct groups: heterogeneous and homogeneous. Following a treatment phase comprising 12 sessions of 30 minutes each, where two types of tasks were implemented in the experimental group under instructor supervision, the findings revealed that learners improved their speaking skills through collaborative interactions, irrespective of whether they were grouped with more proficient or less proficient peers in a heterogeneous arrangement. Notably, the heterogeneous group outperformed the homogeneous group in oral tasks during the posttest, achieving average scores of 48.22 compared to 44.72, with pre-test scores of 44.72 and 40.92, respectively. Crucially, the data indicated that lower-performing learners did not experience setbacks in their development due to the presence of higher-achieving students; instead, the results underscored that cooperative interaction activities were especially beneficial for those with lower proficiency. It is expected that the findings from this study will offer educators significant insights into group composition within cooperative learning settings, thereby informing and improving their teaching methodologies.



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