روابط العطف الحجاجية في مقامات ابن الجوزي (ت 597 ه) (الواو، الفاء، ثم), مثالا لها

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علاء عواد ناصر المشهداني
أ. د. نصيف جاسم محمد الخفاجي


Modern linguistic studies have given linguistic studies and researchers the opportunity to work on updating intellectual, mental and interpretive trends in building a scientific movement that keeps pace with the linguistic and verbal developments that have affected its vocabulary through linguistic and scientific openness to the modern scientific renaissance. In fact, these studies led to the birth of modern linguistic studies, which branched out according to their schools into structural, pragmatic, and other studies. What is important in this research is the linguistic  Hajaj research represented by the hajajian conjunctions that work to join the speech or hijaj together to give preference to the stronger hajaj, and among these conjunctions are (and, then, then). Therefore, this study showed that the hajajian value of the utterance is not generated except by combining the words with each other through those links that work to coordinate and arrange the hajaj in order to achieve the moral persuasive effect in order to invalidate an hajaj or double it and prove it’s opposite.






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