Synthesis and characterization of Fe(II),Co(1I),Ni(Il),Cu(II) and Zn(ll) mixed lizards complexes with Salicylaldoxime and Schiff Base

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.Dr.Shaimaa Hameid Shakir


A new mixed lizards complexes have been prepared by using salicylaldoxime and 2,3-dimethyl-l-phenyl-4salicylaidene-3-pyrazoline-5-one with Fe(II),Co(11),Ni(l1),Cu(I1) and Zn(Il) ions the prepared complexes were isolated and characterized by (FT-IR)and (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, Flame atomic absorption technique and determination of yield chloride for all complexes. in addition to magnetic susceptibility and conductivity measurement. The complexes are octahedral IHL2CI) with M= geometrical in the general formula: KIML Fe(Il) ,Co(11) , Ni(11) , Cu(ll) and Zn(11) .

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