Probabilities Maps In Homogeneous Combat الخرائط الاحتمالية في المعارك المتجانسة

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م.م.براق صبحي كامل
أ.م.د.عصام كمال خليل


Lanchester- type attrition models refer to the sct of differential equation models that describe changes, over time, in the force levels of combatants and other significant variables that describe the combat process. Lanchester-type models express casualties\ attrition in terms of force size, and other associated variables and how they change over time Lanchester differential equation models have gained importance through their ability to provide insight into the dynamics of combat.

This paper focused on derivative Mathematics of the Lanchester Square Law (aimed fire) and Mathematics of the Lanchester Linear Law (area fire) , we calculated the rate and attrition equations by The Kolmogorov Differential equations and markov transition equations finally we offered Discussion & Conclusion.



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