المُخَاطَبُ ودَوْرُه في التَّوجِيهِ الإِعْرَابِي للمَفَاعيلِ في تَفْسيرِ البَحْرِ المُحِيطِ لِأَبِي حَيَّان

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م. د. إسراء قحطان خلف


This study, titled The Addressee and Their Role in the Grammatical Interpretation of Objects in "Al-Bahr al-Muhit" by Abu Hayyan, aims to explore Abu Hayyan’s attention to the pragmatic contexts of the addressee in his grammatical interpretation of objects as analyzed in his exegesis, Al-Bahr al-Muhit. The study examines the five types of objects (the direct object, the object of purpose, the absolute object, the object of time/place, and the object of accompaniment) and how Abu Hayyan approached their grammatical interpretation, taking into account various contexts of the addressee. This influenced whether he marked, omitted, advanced, or delayed the objects in sentence structures. Al-Bahr al-Muhit is considered an essential reference in exegesis, benefiting grammarians, linguists, and rhetoricians due to its insights, where Abu Hayyan sometimes followed his predecessors and, in turn, influenced later scholars. The study is structured into an introduction, two main sections, and a conclusion. Given the subject's nature, the research required examining Abu Hayyan's exegesis, identifying objects, and analyzing their grammatical interpretation to reveal his pragmatic approach to grammatical direction as it serves the meaning. Accordingly, the study employed both the inductive and analytical methods. The conclusion presents the key findings of the study, the most significant of which include: highlighting Abu Hayyan’s careful attention to the interpretation of the five types of objects and the impact of the addressee's contexts on the grammatical interpretation chosen by Abu Hayyan. This influence is seen in his preference for grammatical direction based on meaning or the addressee's context, as well as in his resolution of grammatical issues through reliance on meaning and the addressee's context.


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