Published: 2022-08-25

Insulin effect on inflammatory response compared to sulfonylurea in diabetes mellitus patients

Asst.instructor.Tammara.Asst.Dr. A. H. Al-ubaidy, Asst.Dr.Nijoud. F. AL-sarrag ,Asst.Dr. Zohair. I. AL-mashhadani

Another type of separation axioms

Asst. Instructor. Jamhour Mahmoud AL-Obaidi

Study Of Total Protein And Protein Profile In Patients With (Breast , Ovary and Uterus) Cancer

Asst.instructor.Raya K.M.Al byati,**Asst.instructor.Israa G.Zainal & ** Asst.instructor.Zahra S.AL-Garawi.

Development of Binary Image Steganographic Model

Asst.Prof.Ziyad Tariq Al-Ta’i, Asst.Instructor.Abd-Al Basset Kadhim, and Asst.instructor.Burhan Molan S.

أثر التقنية المغناطيسية في نسبة انبات ونمو نبات الزينيا Zinnia elegans

أ.م.د.سامي كريم محمد أمين, م.م.علي فاروق قاسم المعاضيدي

Evaluation of Wavelet Transform Audio Hiding

Audio hiding is a method for embedding information into an audio signal. It seeks to do so in a robust fashion, while not perceivably degrading the host signal (cover audio). Hiding data in audio signals presents a variety of challenges; due in part to th

Treatment of Asphalt from Heet Area Using the Residues of Basic Oils

Instructor.Dr. Layla K. Arslan ....instructor.Dr.Eamad Taque

Laser Induced Synthesis of Silicon Carbide

*Asst.Instructor.Maath A .Ibrahim , **Asst Prof Dr.Hussein A .Jawad ,*Asst Prof Dr.Karim H. Hassan