Published: 2025-03-24

School Bullying and Its Relationship to Speech Anxiety among Basic School Students

م.د. عبدالله محمود كريم البالاني

37 - 60

مفهوم النسق البديعي - مدخل تعريفي

بهاء جاسم محمد, أ. د إياد عبد الودود عثمان الحمداني

149 - 168

The Most Significant Risks Faced by Pilgrims from the Eastern Islamic World (132–656 A.H

مريم حارث سلمان مجيد, أ.د صدام جاسم محمد البياتي

169 - 182

Complex thinking and its relationship to professional compatibility among educational counselors

الاستاذ المساعد ايمان نعيم شعير محسن

183 - 203

Pragmatic analysis of Acceptance in English Sermons

Maryam HashimTahreer Jaber, Asst.Prof.Lihadh A. Mubarak,(PhD)

333 - 342

An Analysis of Conceptual Blending in Selected Verses from Surah Al- Baqarah

Halah Qahtan Dawood, Dhuha Ismail Khalil, Saba Mohammed Farhud

384 - 390